Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Special Dedication for Shal

Friends are like memories.
When you get the chance to make a good one..
You never forget it...

Ya..11th of January 1988, a couple of twin were born.There are the golden of their parents.Also the flowers in my garden of friendships during secondary school...

Si kembar ini memang dikenali.Sebab apa? Mungkin sebab mereka sangat tinggi. There are Indian. Not Malay.
Ada orang panggil mereka KLCC, oopsss,jgn mara..But, i closed to Shal compared w sham
The most moment that still remain in my memory is she was my "stay up gang" during 

Me, like to take a nap after prep. More than 1 hours pulak tu.Tdo susah dah nak bangun.Always asked for her favor to woke me up to perform Qiamulail..
    " Sharina, bangunla..Kata nak sembahyang malam..Bangunla..bangunla".
Awesome kan?????

I will not forget all those memories spent together. We are different races.She also got her own clique but still be kind and polite to me.
Kalau shalini semangat, pasti saya semangat skali.Semangat dia luar biasa.
Now, she having her own life. Future Doctor.
Perhaps, her dream will come true..

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