Tuesday, January 11, 2011

19 Entry Point Projects (EPPs) announced by the Prime Minister

This post focus on the announcement made by PM. I'm not expert in economic analysis, so i just leave it with the facts.

Apa beza RMK 9,RMK 10. Masih ada lagi projek-projek RMK 9 yang belum dijalankan sedangkan ia dilancar sebelum 2010.
Banyak duit Malaysia sebenarnya. Tapi cuba kita lihat dibawah, sektor yang mana banyak dilaburkan??

Oil, Gas & Energy National Key Economic Areas (NKEA)

1. RM10 billion investment in new oil and gas assets by ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Malaysia Inc with Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd.
2. Shell Malaysia's RM5.1 billion upgrading and expansion of upstream, midstream and downstream facilities.
3. RM5 billion development of an Independent Deepwater Petroleum Terminal Project at Pengerang, Johor by Dialog Group Berhad.
4. Establishment of Malaysia Nuclear Power Corporation to study feasibility of nuclear energy for Malaysia. Business Services NKEA
Business Services NKEA
5, 6 and 7: Establishment of three data centres by MyTelehaus Sdn Bhd, CSF Group and Teliti Datacentres totalling RM671 million and 475,000 square feet of data centre floor space to turn Malaysia into a world-class data centre hub.
Healthcare NKEA
8. Setting up of RM1.25 billion Universiti Malaya (UM) Healthcare Metropolis as Malaysia's premier medical hub.
9. Hovid Objective Pharmaceutical Excellent (HOPE) project by Hovid Berhad for the development of dossier, manufacture and supply of generic drugs of Metformin 850mg MR for treatment of diabetes and painkiller Tramadol 100mg SR. Tourism NKEA
Tourism NKEA
10. RM1 billion investment by Teluk Datai Resort Sdn Bhd to expand and upgrade existing facilities and construct new hotels in Pulau Langkawi.
11. RM75 million deluxe family resort in Pulau Gaya, Kota Kinabalu, by YTL Group.
Electrical and Electronics NKEA
12. AUO Sunpower RM2.2 billion facility in Malacca to develop solar energy.
Agriculture NKEA
13. High-Value Herbal Plantation in Pasir Raja to cultivate herbs that are high in demand.
Communications Content & Infrastructure NKEA
14. RM30 million to create an Internet protocol TV (IPTV) platform to 20,000 hotel rooms across the region by SelecTV.
Wholesale & Retail NKEA
15. RM3 billion Mines Wellness City, an integrated health and wellness resort by Country Heights Group of Companies.
Education NKEA
16. Skills Malaysia 2011 campaign by Department of Skills Development (DSD) to educate Malaysians on skills and vocational pathways as well as career opportunities in the field.
Greater Kuala Lumpur NKEA
17. RM1.9 billion development of Damansara City 2 in Pusat Bandar Damansara by GuocoLand Malaysia.
18. RM36.6 billion development of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT).
19. Establishment of Talent Corporation to attract the best brains overseas required to fill 3.3 million positions created by various NKEAs.

Khalidu Bil Quran

Alhamdulillah,akhirnya jumpa juga lirik.
Walaupun sangat ringkas, tapi dengar banyak kali dengar,pasti tidak jemu..

Khalidu Bil Qur`ani Huwa Imamuna
`Ala Hidayatillahi Amitna (2x)

Kalamu Rabbina Hidayatuna
Atohu Jibrilu `Ala Rasulina (2x)

Kekalkan Al Qur`an Sebagai Imam Kita
Moga Kita Mati Di Dalam Petunjuknya (2x)

Kalamullah Hidayah Bagi Kita
Diberikan Jibril Kepada Rasul Kita(2x)

Kalamu Rabbina `Ala Nuril Musthafa(4x)

Special Dedication for Shal

Friends are like memories.
When you get the chance to make a good one..
You never forget it...

Ya..11th of January 1988, a couple of twin were born.There are the golden of their parents.Also the flowers in my garden of friendships during secondary school...

Si kembar ini memang dikenali.Sebab apa? Mungkin sebab mereka sangat tinggi. There are Indian. Not Malay.
Ada orang panggil mereka KLCC, oopsss,jgn mara..But, i closed to Shal compared w sham
The most moment that still remain in my memory is she was my "stay up gang" during 

Me, like to take a nap after prep. More than 1 hours pulak tu.Tdo susah dah nak bangun.Always asked for her favor to woke me up to perform Qiamulail..
    " Sharina, bangunla..Kata nak sembahyang malam..Bangunla..bangunla".
Awesome kan?????

I will not forget all those memories spent together. We are different races.She also got her own clique but still be kind and polite to me.
Kalau shalini semangat, pasti saya semangat skali.Semangat dia luar biasa.
Now, she having her own life. Future Doctor.
Perhaps, her dream will come true..

Monday, January 10, 2011



Bezakah?Bukan kedua-duanya bermaksud perempuan?
Beza.Pasti Berbeza... Dah tak tenang ni....

Datuk Mustafa Ali :
"Dua calon yang telah disenarai pendek oleh PAS Johor iaitu seorang dari Pemuda  
 dan seorang lagi mewakili Dewan Muslimat PAS."

Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil
"Mencadangkan agar UMNO memilih Ketua Wanita Umno Labis sebagai calonnya"

Masih lagi dalam ura-ura. Maka,tidak sahih. Bila masih tidak sahih,bermaksud..........

Masih ura-ura.In English said,"Not confirm yet"
Kita nanti 22 Januari ya..

The Art of Usrah

If you know others and know yourself,u'll not be imperiled in a 100 battles
  If you don't know others but know yourself,u win 1 n lose1 
If you don't know others n don't know  yourself,u'll be imperiled in single battle." 
-Sun Tzu

 My Precious Moment

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Art of Ghuraba

"I'm not too creative.But,i've to be."
"I'm not a critical thinking person.But,i've to be."
"I'm not intelligence as they are.But,i've to be."

Monolog.Monolog yang tidak ada kesudahan. 

  Ini bukan cubaan kali pertama mencuba ada mencuba disitu untuk menulis blog.Memang tidak pernah berjaya. But, I've to build my skill. If else,i won't get my best.
We're stranger. Thank to Allah because He always give the oppurtunity to get what you want.

Stranger?? Find yourself for the meaning.
Ada blogger memang fokus tntg peribadi. Cerita dari bangun tido sampai nak tdo malamnya. Hak mereka,biarkan..
Ada blogger fokus pada recipe..wow,makan!
Ada blogger fokus pada fesyen..gossip..Tapi ada juga fokus pada isu-isu ilmiah,tazkirah,motivasi dan berkaitan islam.Menarik!
Ada juga fokus pada politik.Come out with their own opinion towards government,critics etc. I like!

Me????? Thinking for a while..